
All you need to know about React-js

Parwin Akhtari
3 min readMar 13, 2021

Let’s start from the introduction of React and go step by step.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library created by Jordan Walke, at Facebook, which helps us to build fast and interactive UI for web and mobile applications.

  • It is an open-source, component-based, front-end library .

Nowadays React is used by top brands.

  • It is used to create complex UI’s and break them down into simple components for easy working.
  • It uses the widely-used Model-View-Controller (MVC) software design pattern to develop user interfaces. The Model is your database, View is the User Interface i.e. React here, and Controller is the medium that connects the Model and View and has a logic attached to it.
  • Any change committed to react, updates only the related component, not the entire page. Saving a lot of loading time⏰⏰

Why React?

  • Allows Component Reusability: Components are the building blocks of any React application, and a single app usually consists of multiple components. These components can be reused throughout the app, which in turn reduces the development time and also make it easier to code.
  • Open Source Library: It has a huge community of renowned developers constantly working on making the framework better and solving any issues faced by us while using.
    Besides, there is no restriction while using the templates provided by these developers. 😄😄
  • Improved performance: React uses Virtual DOM, thus creating web applications faster. If any change is made then Virtual DOM updates only the related components, instead of updating the entire page, as conventional web applications do.
  • Easy development: Facebook allows the use of JSX, a javascript extension, in React.js. It allows you to combine the functionalities of JavaScript and HTML. You can now focus on creating individual components and then combine them. This allows an easy development of applications.
  • Easy to learn: React coding is very simple and easy. Plus it also offers many famous UI framework (like material ui, react bootstrap) and other libraries to make our page look attractive in a lesser number of steps.
  • SEO friendly : SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword. React can be made more SEO-friendly, by making sure Google doesn’t have to use Javascript to render the content. It can be achieved by using Server-Side Rendering.🕵️🕵️


  1. Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Basic understanding of ES6 features.( ES6 refers to version 6 of the ECMA Script programming language. It is a major enhancement to the JavaScript language, and adds many more features to make large-scale software development easier.)
  3. Basic understanding of how to use npm. (NODE PACKAGE MANAGER which is a warehouse of code-packages)



Parwin Akhtari
Parwin Akhtari

Written by Parwin Akhtari

Student at NIT Rourkela || Web developer || UI-UX Designer

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